Transkentucky Orchestra

Transkentucky Orchestra (or TKO) was a terribly named all-trans rock band I was involved with around 2016. We were in no way an orchestra. There was myself on bass, Leah Arrington on Guitar/Vocals, Danielle Barkman on Drums, and Elizabeth on vocals (I honestly can't remember their name 100% for sure and I feel really bad about that). I really don't know precisely when the band started or ended. I believe it was technically a thing already when I joined. We performed a few times at gay pride parades and bars and other locations. We did a lot of covers but we have a few original songs. I did not contribute too much to those songs. I was kind of an awful creative partner for this band in all honesty. I definitely tried to punch up my bass lines, but the core of them was not written by me. Also, I was decently lazy. Apologies to my former band mates. I definitely could've tried harder. We only recorded two songs. Though, we had a few more original songs.