As long as I am feeling healthy enough, I usually stream every single day over at, generally starting around 10pm-12am Eastern Time American and lasting for around four hours. Unless viewers disrupt the stream with their points or I finish a game, each stream is only of a single game. I swap between casual playthroughs of various games and playing competitive games, mostly fighting games. The only exceptions are Wednesday and Saturday. I still stream on those days, but as part of the Ultrafine Atomic Weekly (look below for information) and sometimes I will do a shorter stream later to practice speedrunning Jet Set Radio.

UAW or the Ultrafine Atomic Weekly (It just doesn't feel right to say it without the 'the'.) is a double elimination tournament I run for Killer Instinct (the 2013 reboot for Xbox One / PC) every Wednesday night at various times (generally swapping between 7pm and 9pm Eastern Time American). The tournament is free to enter and there is no prize money. I also run a beginner to intermediate bracket for the same game every Saturday. Those swap between 4pm and 7pm Eastern Time American. Please look at the UAW Discord or social media accounts for information on upcoming tournaments.